2 Products
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2 Products
Extra-Firming Neck & Décolleté Youthful lift, neck and decolleté care
75 ml
Nykyinen hinta 81,00 €
81,00 €
Asiantuntijoiden kehittämä hoito kaulalle ja dekolteealueelle kiinteyttää ja kohottaa ihoa.
Olet katsellut 2 / 2 tuotteesta
Discover Clarins neck firming cream and enjoy a younger-looking, smoother and more toned neck. Our Extra-Firming Neck Anti-Wrinkle Rejuvenating Cream is a neck tightening cream with green seaweed
extracts and sunflower auxins to smooth and firm the neck. For velvety skin and reduced age spots, try our popular neck and décolleté cream, the Super Restorative Décolleté and Neck Concentrate. This potent formula enhances the quality and texture of
the skin, fades wrinkles and smooths roughness.